Hemodialysis Center
Business Hours
7.00 A.M. – 3.00 P.M.
First and Second Round
3.00 – 8.00 P.M.
Third Round
*Please make an appointment in advance to visit the clinic*
On-Line Hemodiafiltration is an online hemodialysis that is more effective than regular dialysis at removing big waste. The water used in the online purification system is of the highest purity and met the ISO 23500 standard to help patients feel better and decrease inflammation hence assist in improving the quality of living for patients.
Advantages of the Online Hemodialysis
• Higher phosphate removal capability and improve bone health
• Reduce itching
• Reduce inflammation
• Improve appetite
• Improve nutrition
• Decreased anemia, fatigue, and sleep well
• Stable functioning of the cardiovascular system
Location : อาคาร B ชั้น 3 (Building B , 3rd floor)
Opening Hours : 7:00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Tel no. : 033-038929
E-Mail : [email protected]